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In-Depth Technical SEO Audit: Step-By-Step Procedure – How It’s Done

The SEO audit is a vital procedure to boost your search engine optimization journey. As the premium SEO company Ashburn USA, we suggest that every website owner should get professional technical SEO audit services because the competition on the internet is rising, and to beat the competitors you need to stay one step ahead.

So in case you are wondering how an SEO audit is done, then this article is a step-by-step technical SEO audit guide for you which is also followed by the professional SEO executives of our SEO agency. Before jumping onto the procedure of search engine optimization, the initial step is to first understand the meaning of an SEO audit.

What Is a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Audit?

As the website owner, you might be doing search engine optimization for your website, or you might be getting professional help. While doing all the SEO tricks like backlinks, on-page and off-page SEO, keyword optimization, and much more, one might be leaving behind some problems and errors. This happens because search engine optimization is very tricky and vast and errors and mistakes could happen in the procedure. The identification of those mistakes is known as an ‘SEO Audit’.

Steps To Do an In-Depth Technical SEO Audit

If you don’t want to hire a good SEO company for the technical SEO audit then you can do it yourself by referring to our step-by-step guide.

Step #1: Crawl Your Website

The first step we as the best SEO agency start with is by exploring and crawling your website. One can use many popular and premium tools to check all the problems and errors. These crawlers help to find all the problems like broken links, duplicate content, poor image, and video quality, less responsive content, issues with the page titles, and even the poor selection of the keywords.

Once all the issues are detected, start acting on them like deleting the less responsive and duplicate content, fixing the broken links, improving your image and video quality, fixing the coding errors, and changing the choice of keywords.

Everything which is detected, work on them and improve the quality of the site.

Step #2: Check Your Site’s Speed

The other effective step you could follow is checking the speed of your website and also the speed of loading the site pages. A slow website can have a 56-70% higher bounce rate compared to anything else. And this bounce rate and speed issue is making your SEO tricks fail. 

Step #3: Review Your Sitemap

A sitemap informs the search engine about the website structure and the most important pages of the website and makes sure you're the search engine to find them to crawl on them. One can do the search engine optimization (SEO) audit by cleaning it, fixing the errors, and making the sitemap to the point and concise. Also, make sure the sitemap is up to date with all the latest content updated after publishing. 

Step #4: Set One Browsable Version

Check the browsable version of your website and if you have various versions then that's a negative thing because eventually, you are confusing the search engine too which will decrease your rankings. The major reason these errors happen is due to the desktop version and mobile version and sometimes because of duplicate HTTP and HTTPS versions. To fix this error make sure your website has only one browsable version.

Step #5: Analyze the Website’s Mobile Friendliness

Every best SEO service says one thing in common make your website as mobile-friendly as you can because it is going to be viewed more on the mobile than desktop. Make the Mobile priority. If your website is lacking in giving the best user experience on the mobile phone or it is very slow on mobile phones then this problem needs to be fixed immediately because the search engine will not rank this kind of website. 

Step #6: Check the Internal Links

While doing the search engine optimization (SEO) audit it is important to check both internal as well as external links. Sometimes the internal links get broken or deleted so it is important to audit them.

For this step, you must start with checking click depth which means how many clicks a particular page is away, and try to keep this number as low as possible because this also hampers the website ranking and increases the bounce rate.

The next is to find and fix the broken links and orphan pages. Orphan pages are the pages that are not linked to any page of your website and these pages make the search engine confused thus hampering search engine optimization. 

Step #7: Check Every Page’s User Experience (UX)

Everything is worthless when the users aren’t finding your website pages engaging and not getting the user experience they were expecting thus not spending enough time on the website.

Collect the reviews of your website pages from various users and it is advised to hire a UX design company too because they understand the needs of users better and will help to enhance the user experience. 

Step #8: Check Your Backlinks

Backlinking is a huge part of the search engine optimization procedure because it generates a great number of positive results. However many SEO services companies think that the number of backlinks is much more important than the quality of backlinks. Which is not true.

Thus, analyze and find out where you have pasted your website backlinks, and make sure to delete the places that are inactive, low quality, and useless because it is affecting your rankings. 

Step #9: Repeat the Crawl on Your Website

This step needs to be the last because it will help you define the changes you've made, the problems and errors that are fixed, and will help to keep a healthy record of everything.

Benefits of SEO Audit

Conducting an SEO audit offers several benefits for businesses striving to enhance their online presence and organic search visibility:

Identifies and Resolves Technical Issues: An SEO audit helps identify technical problems that may hinder a website's performance, such as broken links, duplicate content, or slow page load speed. Resolving these issues improves the website's user experience and makes it more search-engine friendly.

Enhances Search Engine Visibility: By analyzing keyword usage, on-page optimization, and backlink profiles, an SEO audit can uncover opportunities to improve search engine rankings. Optimizing content and meta tags based on audit findings can lead to increased visibility and organic traffic.

Improves Website Usability: An SEO audit evaluates factors like site architecture, navigation, and mobile responsiveness, ensuring that the website is user-friendly and accessible across devices. Improved usability leads to higher user engagement, longer session durations, and lower bounce rates.

Increases Organic Traffic and Conversions: By addressing SEO issues and optimizing content, an audit helps attract more targeted organic traffic to the website. Increased visibility in search results and better user experience result in higher conversion rates and ultimately, improved business outcomes.


These In-depth Search engine optimization (SEO) audit steps will help you to enhance the ranking of the rankings of your website organically and also will help you to improve the quality of your website for the audience. The steps mentioned above are highly effective and recommended by any SEO company. If you don't have time for the SEO audit then you can hire our professional to do the job at affordable prices. For more information, visit our Search Engine Optimization Company in Ashburn USA -


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