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A Guide on Reminder Ads

Reminder ads are Facebook ads displayed to users who have interacted with your website or earlier ads but did not purchase anything. The ad copy and creatives are intended to create a quick interest in the product, which the user left and intended to complete the purchase later.

Reminder ads use data such as views of the product, items added to the cart but not purchased, and past interactions with your website or marketing to identify who will be targeted. They assist in identifying consumers who already know your brand when they are most likely to purchase. Our PPC management service in Ashburn, VA, is here to tell you more about it.

Why Use Reminder Ads?

There are several key reasons reminder ads should be part of your Facebook advertising strategy:

High Relevance to Users: Since reminder ads are directed to those close to their recent experience with your products, they are not viewed as pushy or invasive. The fact that a 'friend' has liked your page due to social proof also adds relevance.

Increased Conversions: Reminder ads will attract better conversion rates over cold traffic as they target users who had a purchase intent before. You target consumers when they are most likely willing to purchase.

Lower Cost Per Acquisition: Due to the higher relevancy and conversion rates, reminder ads are usually very cheap regarding cost per acquisition. More often than not, you do not have to spend a considerable sum of money to get the desired outcome.

Complements Product Catalog Ads: Reminder ads are easily incorporated into catalog-based ads on Facebook. Fortunately, if you have already implemented the product feeds and catalogs, setting up a scalable reminder ad campaign becomes quite easier.

The potential value of reminder ads is significant and must be worth the test in your marketing strategy mix. But how do they work?

How Do Reminder Ads Operate?

On a basic level, reminder ads use the Facebook pixel and other targeting options by your PPC Services Company, such as advanced matching, to find and show the ad to people who interacted with specific products or content. But a few steps are powering this behind the scenes:

A person lands on a specific page of your website selling a particular product. This page view is monitored by the Facebook pixel, a piece of code that you place on your website, which tracks user interactions and sends the data back to Facebook for analysis.

That product pageview is now linked with the user's Facebook profile because of the pixel.

Facebook's algorithms include that user in a Custom Audience, a group of people who have interacted with your business in some way, such as visiting your website or engaging with your app, of all the people who recently saw that product.

When you set up a reminder ad campaign, facebook is marketing to that Custom Audience by default.

The user then discovers an ad related to the product they were browsing through before, hoping to repurchase.

As you can see, Facebook pixel associates user intent on your website with actual Facebook profiles. The rest is done by the advanced matching technology that looks for patterns amidst the audiences' interest.

The Processes for Setting up a Reminder Ad

If you want to get the most out of your reminder ads, make sure to keep these best practices in mind as you build campaigns:

Focus On Conversions Rather Than Impressions: In most reminder ad campaigns, there should be a clear campaign objective of optimizing for on-site conversions. Other low-funnel events, such as Add to Carts, can also be effective.

Emphasis on Small Customized Target Markets: The most success is often derived from highly specific, small custom audiences with concrete interests. Limit audiences to 50,000 whenever possible, and use smaller windows for activities such as product view (15-30 days).

Test Product Inventory Ads: Product inventory ads are useful to bring a user's attention to a specific out-of-stock product they desire by informing them of the product's availability. These can be more effective than conventional reminder ads.

Involve Them In The Buyer's Journey: This means designing minimal ad copy and creatives that feel like the next logical step after the CTA. "You left this in your cart" is more effective than "purchase this hot-selling item."

Try Sequential Messaging: Using ad sequences where the first couple of impressions are less promotional and more related to the message being delivered can assist in awakening cold audiences from previous website visits.

Use Up-to-Date Assets: Make sure that all the ads you use now are up-to-date with new prices, stock quantities, images, and others. Information should be relevant to what users will find when they click through.

How to Get Maximum Impact from Reminder Ads

Once reminder ads start serving users, employ these optimization best practices to increase conversions over time:

Analyze Source Data: Navigate to the Facebook campaign performance report and discover what kind of event, custom audience, or website conversion came from. Identify the best places to locate the purchasers.

Prune Low-Value Audiences: It is important to stop targeting custom audiences with high impressions but low purchase rates. Target ad spend at audiences with positive purchase intent – people who entered payment info but didn't make the purchase.

Experiment: Experiment with the copy and offer to find what resonates with the reminder audiences most. Discounts? Free shipping? Bundled pricing? Challenge them side by side.

Create Exclusion Audiences: With Facebook's exclusion targeting, you should exclude those who bought after viewing reminder ads so you save money.

Develop Lookalike Audiences: Let Facebook expand the reach of your best-converting reminder audiences by targeting similar "lookalike" audiences instead. Good way to expand without having to spend a lot of money.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

While that covers the essentials of using reminder ads effectively, it's equally important to be aware of these common missteps and avoid them:

Conducting Research On Too Many Competitors: Limit the size of custom audiences and ensure they are recent. The audiences reached out to 6 months ago are unlikely to be warmly interested in the product.

Not Monitoring For Fatigue: If people view too many similar ads, it will cause conversion rates to decline and exclusion lists must be established.

Promoting Poor Offers: If traffic is driven back to irrelevant product pages or offers that do not match the ad, sales will halt. Ensure continuity across channels.

Not Optimizing For Conversions: Establish each campaign to revolve around the sale on-site and not by vaguer elements such as impressions or clicks that cannot be associated with revenue.

Does Not Incorporate Creative Differences: After the narrow audiences, the creative is the most effective optimization level for the reminder campaigns. It is important to try new ad copies, formats, and visuals occasionally.


As you can see, reminder ads are not the 'fire-and-forget' strategy you create once and then let it run on the consumer's end. Advertisers need to fixate on custom audience quality, creative aspects, and campaign optimization to achieve higher returns. But the effort pays off, especially when it comes to impacting society and the marketplace. No other acquisition channel can be highly convertible as reminder ads, which is very beneficial for ecommerce brands. For more information or to avail services of our PPC services company in Ashburn, USA, visit


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